I am crying! Again... As if it doesn't happen everyday! This is not a new story. But fact is that I am unhappy and I cant control myself from crying out. I can smile anymore for the world. May be I want to stop it all. Would I be a coward if I wish to end it all? May be! But then how do endure more?
I wish my dear ones understand me a bit more, love me a bit more and more over care to do that little bit for me! Am I asking too much? Am I not a simple girl with simple dreams and hopes? How long can I go on seeing all my dreams getting crushed as if it doesn't matter? May be it is too much to ask. But then the world around me does a lot more for their loved ones. May be I am not worth it!
And it definitely brings me back to my question! Is this life worth living? For what? For whom? And how long more? When I read all tragedies in paper, I wonder why God is sparing me. I have no wish to endure more... May be I cant! Sometimes I wonder why is this life so sadistic..
No answers anywhere... I hope the purpose of all this is lurking around in some corner... And it is worth it all.