Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Limits in love

Does love has limits? I feel that there should be. When love becomes limitless, you forget yourself and live for the other person. What if that person has kept a limit? And they dont really care about what you do for them and sacrifice in life for them? I dont think I can survive a situation like that.

There are so many who are taken for granted in love. You keep giving without getting anything in return. How long will you carry on like that?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

So long!

So long since I blogged... I blame it again on time!

Again, I decided to blog regularly! I guess I have to convince myself first and then spare that dedicated time... For me, writing helps me de-stress! Especially when the pressure blinds me and I feel like crying, best thing I can do is imagine myself in another world or write down what I feel. Both helps! Imagining can take your pain off temporarily and it definitely gives immediate relief. But then you have to return back to reality!

Writing down helps to compartmentalize issues and you can deal with a small portion at a time. It may take time, but it is a lasting solution for sure. The other day I was upset about not finding a job, which I really wanted. I can shed tears, but its not a solution... Thinking and writing down my priorities and needs helped me decide... I am now with renewed energy and strategies... I am not saying that negative thoughts don't creep up... They do and they are very persuasive. But then you have a destination in mind and with that you can fight back...

For restarting my blog, I think this is good enough:-) Till, I blog again, Good bye!